Monday, May 21, 2012

A taste of Kansas City

Rockin good times! Amazing people, beautiful fabrics, thread and designs, I could SERIOUSLY die tomorrow and honestly say I have had a good life!

I had 287 photos and really should have taken MORE!  I will start with the city photos and then try to separate the posts so it does not go on...and on...and on... which I tend to do anyway ;o)

This was my view from The Westin Hotel. I completely LUCKED OUT! Market was near the lit up blue building on the left of the photo.

It is a great walking city, which is a plus for me and I was able to run at least one of the mornings I was there!

They have many shops and there were a couple that really caught my eye

This one Sara and I saw when we were walking home from dinner the first night and the shop was closed. I was able to go back on Saturday and look in the shop. Girls, I cannot seem to locate your card please contact me so I can give you a shout out. Super nice girls and I had to buy the top!!!!

This skirt was so cool, I think I need to make one!

This is the sweetest shop girl EVER and a very good salesperson.

Kansas City has trains!  I love trains so I had to stop and watch as they went by.

There is a very great mixture of old and new in the city that makes it feel alive!

Finally the people...I love the people in this city! VERY warm and welcoming and all around cool! I wouldn't mind living here one bit.

The barista at market had a very cool mustache and a great sense of humor!

and this CRAZY wedding party was walking down the middle of the main road, you can see a bit of the wedding gown peeking out of the middle!!!

So, MANY THANKS! to Kansas City for being so wonderful, I hope I get to come back and visit again someday!

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