Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pimpin up the schoolbook ( book cover tutorial)

I do not mind school supplies, I actually LOVE to go shopping for supplies. There is something about the smell of new crayons, freshly sharpened pencils, unblemished folders and all that paper that is totally exciting to me. I could walk through Office Depot for hours if given the opportunity *giggle*

This year I had two kids to buy for but one brought home a secondary list...what!?! I had my cheap thrill already so what do you mean I have to go back in the trenches with all the other parents looking through all of the picked over and out of stocks items. GAH! But being the mama I had to go in and see if I could find what we needed and I did not come up empty handed but I still was not quite finished.

Last night my sweetie pie Katy informs me that I had forgotten one very important item...BOOK COVERS... then she says the other words I did not want to hear..."Can we go to Target?"

Target is one of those $100 trap stores. We have a Super Target and once you are inside you cannot get out without spending $100. Home Depot and Lowe's are the same way. I told her we could make book covers at home and she made the face at me! I said give a bit and I will show you...and I did :o)

Start off with super cute fabrics. I have this charm pack that has the perfect colors and they are all Katy approved.

All measurements are approximate in this project since not all books are the same size. 
For my book it was about 18x31

Fold down the top and fold up the bottom to where they are just covering the binding of the book

Fold the ends over the front and back cover to make your pocket

Now that the basic folding and size is decided cut your fabrics.

I tried both of these adhesives and the glue stick won hands down!

A little dab of glue on your fabric pieces to keep them in place

Ta da!

I used a blanket stitch to connect the seams together in the middle first

then stitched around every other one with a wee bit of overlap but not much.

Starting around one I skipped I start at the corner and will go around and sew the stem

Finish up the sewing around the other few petals you did not hit and then slip the pockets over the front and back covers. I also added a bit of tape to the inside of the flaps where the paper met the paper to make it more secure. I may try sticky velcro next time.

The before...

The after...

I like this since it is personal, kinda old school ( where is my Holly Hobby doll) and one of those instant gratification projects! Katy is bringing her other books home tonight and has not asked to go to Target again ;o) Score one for MOM!!!!!

Kim :o)

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