Saturday, August 11, 2012

Time to start wrapping up summer and get down to business (HA)

The countdown has begun for the smaller humans of the house to be going BACK TO SCHOOL! Whatever will I do with ALL that time, LOL!!!!!  I am sure it will be taken up by other thing quickly, things that have nothing whatsoever to do with sewing but for now I am going to dream of LONG hours  spending time with my lovely fabric and playing...erm...working on all of my wips and starting some new fun projects too.  A girl CAN DREAM...right?

For now, I am going to try to get caught up on some wonderfulness that I was the receiver of in the past few weeks...

Bree at My Crafty Crap SURPRISED me with this lovely handiwork and a great book for my birthday!!!! It is sitting in my sewing room making me smile EVERYDAY!!!!! THANK YOU BREE!!!!

Also, Katy at The Littlest Thistle sent me this bag that she did the tutorial for when she was kind enough to guest post in July. The funny thing is the five year old of the house decided HE liked it and took it and hid it from me...WHAT!!!???!!!!! I was looking in ALL the usual spots and finally found it...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPppppppppp!!!!!! I HAD to rescue her RIGHT AWAY!!!!!

I have NO IDEA what that child was thinking!!!!!
Here is the bag not in peril...

And the treasures hidden inside... someone hold me up!!!!! THANK YOU KATY!!!!!

This past week was really fun for me, I was able to meet up with Rachael of Imagine Gnats and her lovely family at the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in DC. Did you know they have a small collection of handmade quilts and needleworks there? They also have these great little rooms set up for each state with collections of items during that time. Very cool!  Thank you Rachael for making the effort on 395 (YUCK) to come see us and HUGE thanks to Mr. Gnats cuz well... we all know you were "dragged" along and you were WONDERFUL!!!

Anyway, the lighting was not the best but here is what kids do at the museum...

And here is what quilters do at the museum

Not really, they have a great area set up for children on the 3rd floor with hands on activities that included mini quilts!!!! I think we spent the most time here!

Love ya Rachael!!!!!

It has been a really GREAT summer, I may need a vacation to recover ;o)

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