Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Super quick Christmas burlap table runner {tutorial}

My Christmas gifts came super early this year. The first was in October when I was able to go see my son, my beautiful daughter in law and my two grandsons. The second will be home in about and hour!!!!!! So, instead of cleaning, I decided I need a table runner for the dining room table that had to be expanded to accommodate an extra person.

I saw this tutorial for a burlap table runner from Lindsay at Living With Lindsay and decided that a little Kate Spain was in order to make it perfect for me!

Using the measurements from her post I decided to go with the 14 inch width and measured my table for a length of 108 inches. I cut my burlap ( after washing it) accordingly, grabbed some linen, my Kate Spain 12 Days of Christmas, some batting and some backing fabric ( I think it was Kona snow) and off I went!

This was my table before. The chairs will be painted black...someday...and my tree is up but has not been decorated yet...so much to do but back to the table runner

After taking the measurements for your table choose three (or more) of your 2.5 inch strips. I happen to have a jelly roll so it made it even EASIER!

Sew the strips together

 You now have your strips done

Iron them flat

Cut the attached strips to 16in

I cut a piece of linen, you can use any cotton or even velvet....ooooooooh, that would be lovely! and attach your strips

cut a piece of batting

Quilt however you wish. Using my invisible marker, I choose to do 1in lines on the linen and stitching on either side of the strips. I left the edges of the green undone until later.Simple!!!!

When quilting is completed attach the burlap.

After the burlap is attached I finished off the green strip

Cut out the backing pin the top to the back

Sew around the entire runner making sure to leave an opening to pull it inside out. I think I left a three inch hole.

Turn the right way out and topstitch the entire runner

The after shots that are not very good but Tuesday is my running around to different kids functions day so I must apologize for the poor quality.

SUPER easy!!!!

Off to see my baby boy and give him big hugs!!!!

Linked to Fabric Tuesday

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