Thursday, December 10, 2009

Homemade Chocolate Milk Mix, Pioneer Style

Thanks again to everyone for your well wishes regarding my back. I am pretty much back to my regular self now and it feels great! Having good health is something that I tend to take advantage of until something drastic happens. Sometimes it seems like life is so hectic and busy that you forget to take care of yourself. Before you know it you come down with a virus or you throw your back out. When my back went out a week or more ago, it really made me think. I decided that it was high time I started paying better attention to myself.

Awhile ago I posted about the glorious five pounds I gained, blaming it on Paula Deen's recipes. The truth is, that five pounds turned into ten pounds. Some of you know how this works. There are the ten or twenty pounds that you already wanted to lose and then there are the five to ten pounds that you somehow managed to gain. Losing and maintaining weight as a foodie is a very hard thing to do. However, here at Stirring the Pot I am determined to do something about it. After all, carrying around any extra weight is not good for your back. I'm proud to say that I've lost five pounds since my back went out. Christmas time is not the best time to try losing weight, but I'm hoping to stick with it :D

Now you're probably wondering "Why is she posting about homemade chocolate milk mix if she's trying to lose weight?" I have to confess that I didn't really make this for myself. I made this for my husband who is an avid chocolate milk fan. Almost every morning he drinks a chocolate milk and eats a banana for breakfast. I decided to try this homemade chocolate milk mix for a new cooking club, Foodie Fans of the Pioneer Woman. The current theme is breakfast/brunch recipes and this mix was the perfect breakfast treat for us.

All you need are these two ingredients for the mix:
This is really easy to whip up and the mix lasts for two weeks in the refrigerator. While I was making this I was thinking that it would be tasty to grate in some fresh orange zest. Doesn't everyone love the flavor of chocolate and orange? You could also add some peppermint extract, which would be great at the holidays.

Homemade Chocolate Milk Mix - adapted from the Pioneer Woman, find her link here.
1 cup heavy whipping cream
4 ounces, semi-sweet chocolate pieces (preferably a good chocolate)

Heat cream over medium-high heat until slightly boiling. Add chocolate pieces and turn off heat. Whisk slowly until chocolate is melted and mixture is very smooth. Pour into a container and keep in the fridge up to two weeks. Mix with cold or warm milk, depending on how frightful the weather outside is.

Notes/Results: My husband really enjoyed it! He really liked the fact that there was a whole carafe of liquid chocolate to store in the fridge for two weeks. I don't think it will last that long! After all, it is really like a homemade chocolate sauce and is definitely good for topping ice cream or any other tasty treat.

Head on over to the Foodie Fans of the Pioneer Woman site, by clicking here. There is going to be a roundup of Ree's Breakfast/Brunch recipes on December 12th and let me tell you, there will be some fabulous recipes! I really wanted to make Ree's bacon, onion and cheddar biscuits, but thankfully I was able to reason with myself :D

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