Sunday, January 25, 2009

Whole Wheat Pullman Loaf *Recipe #8 - Page 215*

I made a very big mess in the kitchen today!! It started with the Amaretto Brownies (see post below) and then I moved onto baking this bread. I wanted to have something to go with the bread so then I made smashed chickpea salad and then strawberry jam

Dishes, dishes, dishes. I actually didn't even mind washing the dishes because by that time the bread was almost finished baking and the kitchen smelled like heaven!! So far, I have to say that I have been most impressed with the baking recipes in this book. My favorites have been the parker house rolls, the brownies mentioned below and this Pullman Loaf. They are very well written and seem to yield the best results so far. Later this week I will be making a Caramelized Onion and Roasted Rosemary Focaccia and by then I will really know how I feel about Tyler's baking recipes.

This yeast mixture did not bubble or rise as much as the yeast for the Parker House Rolls. I think this is because the yeast mix for the rolls was fed sugar and the mixture for the bread was just yeast and water. This is only my second attempt at making any kind of yeasted bread so I am really learning. Anyway, this recipe was easy and straightforward. I noticed this dough was a little more sticky before the first rising and then it became smooth. The top of the bread was sprinkled with milled flaxseeds. The recipe called for plain flaxseeds, but milled flax was all I found. I am going to have some substitutions this week because our local Kroger doesn't carry all these new and trendy things. Sometimes I go to the big city for groceries and sometimes I'm not so lucky.

Overall, I am very happy with this loaf of bread. It is a wheat bread so it is darker in color. The inside is moist, soft and has a nutty quality. My daughter and I will be feasting on this bread all week. We will be having bread with strawberry jam, smashed chickpea salad sandwiches, grilled cheese, and leftover turkey breast sandwiches. I froze some of that basil pesto from my first Tyler recipe and I might get that out and put it to use. We might be getting a winter storm tomorrow so I am glad that we are stocked up on goodies.

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