Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the secret...

Its with mixed emotions today that I announce that I have been  chosen as one of the 2012 Scrapbooking Memories Masters. Way back in August when I got the totally unexpected call from Cassie Bellemore I was in complete shock as I didnt even rate my self as a chance after the amazing year I had already had. I think I swore several times and then shakily rang my husband to scream the good news!!!!!!!!
I walked around in a daze for  a couple of days afterwards....
So you may ask why the mixed emotions.....for the last couple of weeks my best friend's daughter has been extremely sick in ICU in hospital, it has been and continues to be a very scary time for her and her family and friends, one of my projects for the application for Masters was about Kate who is in hospital, she plays a very important part in my children's and my life .
So I would like to dedicate my Masters win and opportunity to Kate who continually inspires me and everyone who knows her with her strength,  courage and fighting spirit, she truly is here for a purpose to teach and inspire others....
Till next time...

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