Saturday, November 19, 2011

Meet Pam Maynard from: Mom Does Reviews!!

Hi Pam, Welcome to my little Pink Place...Your Blog, momdoesreviews seems like a fun and informative place...

That's Pam with her lovely family...

KWTell me something about yourself, I know you like to blog...  PM:I love to write kids stories and articles.  Besides my hubby and 8 year old son, I love our 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 red eared slider turtles, 2 crested geckos, 18 chickens and 6 guinea hens.  I have a Masters in Business Communication but I have been a Lead MRI Technologist for 10 years and Imaging Technologist for 10 years before that.
KW: Man....You sure must be busy...I had no idea that you had such a full house!

KWWe met through Mom Blog Society...How did you become involved with that? Did you help to found MBS? PM LaDonna sent me a comment on my blog and invited me to join.  I was one of the first members, but I didn't help found it.  I do help LaDonna with some things as I am a moderator.
KWYes, I did want to ask you about Moderating for MBS, What does that entail? PM: LaDonna looks to the moderators to greet new members, help with blog hops, start groups and keep them going.  Basically, whatever LaDonna needs me to do, I try to help out.  Lots of things get done behind the scenes that I help her out with.
KW: You were a big help to me when I joined and it this made me feel like a very welcome member of the group. The MBS seemed like a very friendly place and that is in part due to people like you...
KWHow do you manage all of this? I believe that you have mentioned above that you also have a job involving MRI...And now I know about your menagerie! (lol)
PMYes, I am an MRI tech.  I work full time, 4 ten hour days so I have 3 days off.  I have to admit I neglect my housework a lot, yes my hubby would agree.  I try to get writing done at work when we don't have patients.  Don't tell my boss:)
KW: Your secret is, of course, safe with me:) Uh oh...unless your boss is a follower...then all bets are off! 
KW:Your blog is titled Mom Does Reviews...What types of things do you review?
PMI like to review kid friendly products.  Picture and chapter books, coloring books, I have a few picture books and uglee pen to review.  I use my Android phone a lot so I like to review apps that help moms be more productive. 
KW: You know, I saw that pen review...I wonder if it comes in Pink...
KW: Pam, is there anything else that you think our readers would like to know about you or the world of MBS or blogging?
PMIf you are interested in monetizing your blog, I have many resources that I use.  Here are a few links:
To Find products to review:
Here follows Pam's Bio from here blog:

I work full-time at The Seacoast’s Leading Hospital as an MRI Technologist. I have a smart and handsome 8 year old son, a husband who claims the same, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 6 guinea hens, 18 chickens, 2 red-eared sliders, 2 crested geckos and multiple dust bunnies.  I enjoy blogging as it is the total opposite of what I do all day long.  I love to share things I learn and love with you!
In my spare time, I love to read to my son and have him read to me. We love to walk, play Wii games, board games and scrapbook. I have even been know to build things with Legos. I have learned so many things since my son started learning so many things. I would love to share some of these things with you!
Mom Does Reviews  is the place to glean creative information on raising our school-aged children, working full time and writing inspirational stories for children. It is about the sweetest part of life, our children!  Come poke around at Mom Does Reviews for product reviews, giveaways, pertinent tips on parenting, writing or just for a little peck of inspiration.
For the record, I do accept ad income and accept advertising links on my blog.
Love the writing, love the writing, love the writing… the rest will follow.” Jane Yolen

Thank you Pam! If you would like to visit Pam and look around her blog here is the link once more
Here also, is the link to MBS

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