Tuesday, November 1, 2011

happy halloween 2011

My day was wickedly busy! Which makes me laugh, because I have friends whose days are like this every day, and it's their norm. I just don't function well when I'm over-scheduled and can accomplish more when I keep things simple. I also give myself one day per week--Thursday--that I schedule nothing. It's a free day and it's my day to do the things I want. I have Lynn pick up dinner on the way home, so I don't even cook. It's one of those essentials in my life.

I started the day with attending the Halloween parade at school--so fun. I worked out, checked e-mails (and yes, Pinterest, but only for 15 minutes :)). I picked up Ella from school, got her lunch, got dressed and we headed to play therapy. I went into the play room with Ella this time. We're starting a new thing called "relationship enhancement," hoping it will help her with an issue she's struggling with right now.

Then I was off to the United Way of Utah County to be taped for a presentation at the "In Her Shoes" Gala, which is a fund raising event hosted by Women in Philanthropy. They support some of the programs at the Family Support and Treatment Center. I shared our experiences with the programs at FSTC and how they have benefited us.

I was behind the camera on occasion when I worked for Creating Keepsakes and Making Memories, but it has been a long time! I was definitely out of my comfort zone on this one. But it's been awhile since I challenged myself to do something that made me nervous and even a bit fearful. It ended up being very rewarding. And Karen and John were awesome. That made a huge difference. Of course I got a little emotional at the end. I always do when I'm talking about something so dear to my heart.

Another reason I agreed to do the taping, was because I love the Family Support and Treatment Center. We would not have made the progress we've made with Ella if not for their programs and resources. We know that. I wish I had a million dollars to throw at them, but I don't. So instead I will help them in any way I can.

On our way home, we stopped to see this display. Yes, I know it's juvenile, but it's silly and imaginative and Ella thinks it's hilarious. She calls them "the pumpkin bums."

Here's another part of the display. Spooky, but not too scary.

We thought we'd better buy more Halloween candy, so we stopped at Walmart. I already had five bags, so I bought five more. We were gone trick-or-treating during the "busy" part of the night, so we ended up with three bags left. (I'm really adding this so I can refer back to it next year. I always forget how much candy we bought the previous year. :)) Oh, and I bought all Skittles because I'm not the least bit tempted to eat them and can use them as rewards for E since she loves them.

After a "fiber-filled" dinner to off-set the coming sugar overload, we were off to go trick-or-treating.

And because Ella and Jordan are pretty much inseparable, our first stop was the Burns'. Lynn kept saying how much he loved this pink pony costume. I ordered it from Pottery Barn Kids. It's darling and warm.

The weather was perfect for the first time in I can't even remember how many years. The girls ran to every house and filled their bags to the brim.

Hope you had a Happy Halloween, too!

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