The hardest part was coming up with items to go with each reason, because I didn't want it to be all soda and candy. Maybe my ideas will help spark some of your own.
Here's my list of reasons. (It was much simpler to create one big list than a bunch of individual cards.) I attached it to a large red bag with handles and put all the gifts inside, so it would be easy to carry into work. Lynn said he caught some guy trying to read it on the bus. :)
Each gift was wrapped up and had a corresponding time tag attached. Can you match up the items in the photo with each reason? Here you go:
1. Chips Ahoy!--Lynn's favorite store-bought cookies.
2. A Chili's gift card for our next date night.
3. Planter's mixed nuts.
4. Dentyne Fire gum--we have to hid ours from Ella! :)
5. Air Freshener for his car.
6. iTunes gift card.
7. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. (I know, but what would you have done? Besides, we love those things. :))
8. Photo of daughter Ella, and granddaughter Madi, for his desk.
9. Heart-shaped box of candy. (This never made it back home...hmmmm.)
10. The lastest Pirates of the Carribean DVD. (Admit it, that's a good one. :))
{Bonus} A sweet card that reads, "I love my life with you."
I think Lynn really enjoyed it and it made him feel special.
Shared at: Whipperberry
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