Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The horrible terrible no good very bad sewing day with a happy #scrappytripalong ending!

I had one of THOSE sewing days a few days ago...

But first, pretty fabric strips which do work into the tale of sewing woe...

It was one of those days alright, in no more than 30 minutes, I broke my feed dog knob on my old Bernina, SOB!

Then I broke my needle

I proceeded to fmq my glove into my quilt...

looks like one single entry but

EEEEEPPPPPP! Thank goodness my finger was spared!!!!!

I was posting these especially cool shots on instagram and was ready to walk away from sewing (for at least an hour) and I saw it!!!!!

Heather's post on a new quilt she was working on and was hooked!!!!  So cool, but did I really need to start something so complicated when obviously I was sewing challenged for the day?  I asked if there was a pattern and she linked me to Lucy and Norman  where there is a It's a Scrappy Sew A Long!!!!! She is using the tutorial on Quiltville  that even I can follow so I was sucked completely in!!!!!

I grabbed some fabric and went to work...not too bad but WRONG!

That was fine,I cut more fabric

When I finished with three I  was feeling the groove

This is how far I have gotten as of this morning. I was going to make pillows but I think I will continue to make a whole quilt. I do think I need a larger design wall!!!!

So go drink the Scrappy Kool-Aide and join in on the fun!!!!

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