Wednesday, April 25, 2012

summer fun: the meadow fairies

Ella saw a penny in the Target parking lot recently. After picking it up she said, "The Meadow Fairies have sure come a long way. They must really be tired." It made me smile.

The fairies live in the meadow behind Grandma and Grandpa's cabin in Butte Meadows, California. There's  even one of their houses on the shelf in the front room. Ella tried her Tinkerbell in it.

Before we visit each summer, the fairies leave Ella special gifts and projects to keep her busy while we're at the cabin. They include things like: workbooks, coloring books, markers, stickers, a glitter globe, piggy bank and sewing kit. (She spends hours playing and working on them not only at the cabin, but on the way home.)

They also left her a note that read:

From the Butte Meadows Fairies. Welcome back, Ella. Enjoy the treasures, they're for you to keep. Any pennies you find, put in the bank--lucky you! We love you.

The fairies scattered pennies all over the ground around the cabin. Any that Ella found, she could put in her piggy bank and keep. She loved looking and finding more each day! (I even found myself at times, looking at the ground as I walked around. :))

As the school year comes to and end (I can't believe it's gone so quickly!), I'm gearing up and gathering ideas to keep my little ones busy and happy. It's simple little things like this magical activity that most often create the sweetest memories.

Thanks, Grandma Connie. See you soon!

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