Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Joy,sorrow and back to the star blocks

WOW! What a wonderful few days I have had!!!! I was very fortunate to have Amy, Katie and Em at my house with their beautiful children on Monday. We had four mamas, eight children and five Berninas all sitting out and some of us actually were able to sew!!!!! The children had such a great time. There were giggles and running and an indoor picnic. I am hoping to have this happen more often. I was a very nice experience that I have never had before and would like to have happen much more frequently. These women are so lovely and funny and knowledgeable, I wish I had the basement converted to an apartment so we could just start having retreats here!

{photo taken by my Katy on Katie's camera and borrowed from Katie's blog}

The room filled to the brim with Berninas

My machine was being quite the pill and had to be put in the corner for a little timeout.

Naughty naughty girl!

I brought her off time out today and she decided to work again!!!!

I was able to finish the Solstice Star block 3

and two bibs for my neighbor!

I was filled with JOY that Amy and the kids were here...I LOVE THEM!!!! I was filled with joy that everyone came to sew and brought their kids...you are invited back ANYTIME!!!!

The sorrow is that Amy left today, I miss her and the kids already. The house seems too quiet! I am also sad since I ran out of my Aurifil white, it lasted almost four months. Wait! Maybe THAT is why the old girl was being so naughty...hmmmm....

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