Tuesday Morning, the store not the actual day, I LOVE...love...love. For one thing they have Playmobil for reasonable prices and secondly, they have sewing gadgets that I would never pay full price for at any other store. I have been trying to blindstitch. Anyone that knows me knows I avoid hand sewing like the black plague. I will do anything NOT to hand sew. I have bad eyes and arthritic fingers ( wahmbulance anyone) so I will find ways around handsewing. I love when other people do it. It is beautiful and takes a certain something I just do not possess. Maybe that is called patience ;o) On to my new gadget...
I am working on a gift for someone and have decided I love them SO much that I will attempt this hand sewing thing once more. I was almost completed with the project (there will be a tutorial on this, it is CUTE) and got to the handsewn part and I could not thread the needle!!!!! I could not even SEE it with my glasses on! This is what I found to help...
It has two little led lights on the opposite that are worthless! I tried this last night and they provided NO light at all!
You can stand it on a table or hang it around your neck. I hung it around my neck and it was very easily adjustable.
It really does help with making things clearer and BIGGER!!!! Look at the pretty Aurifil thread! I am really happy I found this product! I can recommend it for the $9.99 I spent! Thank you Tuesday Morning!
Onto the Pyrex that I completely lucked into!!!! The Buttercream set!!! Happy Dance!!!!
Finally, I was able to add some fishy friends, and I am super excited since I will be using that beautiful Aurifil thread on this quilt and I need to get the top done so I can :o)
Hope your Saturday is a great one!!!!!
Kim :o)
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