Wednesday, September 28, 2011

tutorial: halloween thumbprint tags

 This one's for Allison. She's a reader who e-mailed me and asked if I'd be willing to share my template for the Halloween thumbprint tags we made for Ella's preschool last year.

Remember these? I still love them. Here's the original post.

When I started blogging way back when, it was mainly for my family and friends and the Relief Society in my church ward. Because of Pinterest, that has changed. I'm getting mega hits each day and so many nice e-mails and sweet comments. It's so fun. Thanks so much everyone, it really makes me happy. Because I posted projects--but not many tutorials or downloads--I am very open to sharing information, templates, creating tutorials, etc. Just be patient with me. :)

Okay, back to the project.

Originally I had Ella stamp her thumbprint multiple times on white cardstock. Then she made them into jack-o-lanterns by adding stems and silly faces. (It kept her very busy.) I chose my favorite one, scanned it, added words around it in Photoshop Elements, and duplicated it.

You can still use this process in an editing program, or to make things simpler, I created a blank template for you to create your own tags. Your little goblins can stamp their thumbprints in each circle and create jack-o-lanterns. Each tag will be an original work of art. I chose a variety of generic wording to choose from.

Help your little one stamp their thumbprint with a cheery orange ink pad in the lower part of the circle (this will leave room for the hole and string for hanging). Then they can add stems and faces. It's getting close to bedtime, per the sad faces.

Use a 2" hole punch upside down to center the circles and punch.

I used a micro circle punch for the hole and crochet thread for hanging. I love crochet thread for so many things. It's a nice lightweight string, very inexpensive and one skein lasts forever.

Now help your little Picaso tie their tags to a special bag of treats.

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