Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas memories 2010

I've taken a couple of weeks off from blogging to spend more time with my family. Lynn had time off he couldn't carry over into next year, so he had to use it or lose it. We loved having him home so much during the holidays. He makes everything more fun and likes to take us all to lunch together--a lot. :)

Our Christmas was wonderful, the best we've had in as long as I can remember. It feels good to be able to say that. Some of my favorite memories are the small and simple things like doing crafts with Elles.

I'm happy she loves it so much.

When we made ornaments for her tree, Ella told me, "You go do your things now and I'll do this by myself." I love it. I couldn't help checking in on her every once in awhile though, just to watch her be creative. She LOVES adding the bling. That whole card of gems was pretty much gone.

I love Ella's bedhead in the first photo. We pretty much stayed in our jammies most of the day when we didn't have anything going on.

Each year we have a special Christmas Family Night with my brother Steve and his family. His wife Deanna made these yummy cookies and my little choc-o-holic granddaughter, Madi, started eating all the kisses from the centers and leaving the cookies.

I also loved when Jessica taught us all how to play Farkle.

The Primary presidency in our ward handed out a chart that had scriptures that followed Christ's life from birth through His resurrection. The excerpts are a bit long for Ella right now, but I used it. I looked forward to crawling into bed each night so I could read and feel the witness of the Spirit confirm to me the mission of our Savior. It was a sweet experience. And yes, I gave myself a star each time I read so I could keep track. :)

Some of Lynn's favorite memories are the activities.

Riding through the lights on a horse-drawn wagon at Thanksgiving Point is the first thing we do after Thanksgiving to start off our Christmas celebration. It's just not the same driving through in a car. After the wagon ride, we walked over the see the reindeer. The girls wanted to feed them, but we didn't have any change for the pellets. A nice couple gave the girls some and Madi started eating hers! Guess we should have fed her more before we left home. :)

Even though the girls fought--a lot--Lynn loved just being together on the North Pole Express. Madi still asks me every day if we can go on the train again.

Lynn still loves our Christmas Eve lunch with the family. It's one of my favorite traditions too.

We hope your holidays were filled with happy memories too.

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