Tuesday, April 9, 2013

a simple tip: price matching made simpler

Ella's birthday is in a few day. We always have a family party the Sunday before the big day. Ella decided she wanted ice cream for her special treat, so we'll be setting up a hot fudge sundae bar with my amazing homemade hot fudge sauce. I recently found a great big ice cream dish, and she's pretty excited she'll be the first to use it.

Breyers is by far our family's favorite store-bought ice cream. At $4 a half gallon, it can be a little pricey to feed my crew. I price matched at Walmart today and got if for Ream's price, $2.49 a half gallon instead. Love that! At that price, I stocked up.

I'm excited to see even more of you joined Deals to Meals this past month. (For more information, see my post Simple Solutions: Deals to Meals.) You're going to love it! (BTW, there's an option to search by item on the DTM site, so you don't have to go through the entire list of deals in order find just one item--like ice cream.)

Here's a brilliant little tip for price matching at Walmart. I've been doing this for awhile now, and not only will it have the checkers singing your praises, but it will save you even more time.

I have a clipboard I keep my Deals to Meals list on. I attach a small pad of post-it's with double stick tape to the board. (The brighter the post-its, the better. That way you or the checker won't miss one.) When I purchase items, I simply write the price on the post-it and attach it to one of the items I'm price matching. When I get to the checkout, I don't have to go through my list again to find the prices. The checkers just look at the price on the post-it and key it in. They LOVE it.

I also attached an envelope to my clipboard to hold any coupons I might use.

Have you found any smokin' deals lately? Deals to Meals or not, I want to hear!

For more information on Deals to Meals and to see why I love it, read my post Simple Solutions: Deals to Meals.

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