I sure think we are making one:) An impact that is...
Anyway...By the time I arrived and got to dinner...I thought I might get to the end of the plenary but no...anyway...My fellow advocates were there to welcome me with open arms (literally) and it was akin to coming home:) we are on our conference calls quite often and we work hard but in person meetings are rare and only take place a couple of times a year:) Priceless!
The reviews went well the next day and the panel that I mentioned earlier went over the proposals and they were discussed and rated...several panels ran simultaneously...I cannot divulge more information than that...
We had a lovely dinner that night where we all mingled and talked and laughed on a more personal level...
The next day the Komen Scholar Meeting was held. This is a group of researchers that are considered to be in a special category by Susan G Komen for the Cure you can find more information on them on the website...Komen Scholars...live link...
There also a few advocates on the Komen Scholars. I am honored to be among them and this was my first meeting. I have to say that it was well worth the travel hassles...BTW on my first flight towards home I had a Komen PhD Staff member on board with me...When she found out which panel I had served on she made the comment..."oh, you were on the Powerhouse Panel"...so it was not just me...That panel was really a who's who!
I think that I will end it here, but I will say that all of these internationally known Breast Cancer Researchers live and work in our own local communities! What that means for us, is that we can all get involved with them on a local level through our local Komen affiliate:)
They want us!
I will be happy to point anyone who is interested in the right direction!
I guess you can fairly say that I have certainly had my Pink on recently...I always do:)
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