Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's Pink Saturday! and What a Week it Has Been...

Whew!! October First...The beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Very Special for Me...In fact, not only do I have a lot to do leading up to our race, but I have a couple of things being shared..My story, for one...I have been featured on The FB page
 A-Crown-for-the-Cure as the survivor of the month for September...My story is over there...(I will also be a guest blogger for another blog to share my story, more on that another time) Mrs. Maryland runs that page and she also happens to be part of my Survivor committee for the Maryland RFTC. We are meeting at her house later today in order to work on the decorations for the tent and to have an authentic Italian dinner...Her parents are from Italy...
As far as the rest of the week? Any baseball fans out there? Did anyone pay attention to Wednesday night??? Wow! All those games happening simultaneously and all of them ending with outcomes that could not have been predicted! Great baseball and never to be repeated...Quite likely, the best night of baseball yet played! Good stuff! My Orioles played a big part...haha...
So anyway...breast cancer month plays a big part in my pink Saturday this week...I have two pictures to share...Every year Brighton comes out with a Power of Pink Breast Cancer Bracelet. This year's bracelet looks like this...
They show the two sides of the heart...the first bracelet came out in 2003...Of course I have them all...I love them...Sometimes they have extras..meaning other products also...I usually have it on hold and when it comes in they call me...the call came during a race executive committee after the meeting and before dinner afterward, I ran over and picked it up...and lo and behold, there was another item...

Isn't it lovely?...sorry for the lousy shot...
Only one problem...there is a gorgeous purse that matches it...I really want that costs $270.00! I can't do it...someone would disown I am not proud, I will accept any and all
So those are my PS Pictures...I love this time of year!! Pink, Pink, everywhere!!
I am sure that I will be posting more about BC this month so stay tuned...

Please visit Beverly at howsweetthesound for more Pink Ladies


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