Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's a Very Special Pink Saturday!

And not just because it is my first one in a
Beverly over at howsweetthesound is actually making this one a little more special than all of the rest...and here is the scoop!
This Pink Saturday is actually a Miracle Makeover Blog Party! 
There are 4 hosts and Beverly. A dollar will be donated for each comment on each of the 5 blogs! You don't have to donate anything...Just comment! So click on the links if you will, and they will donate a dollar for each comment received to the Design Gives Back Miracle Makeover!
Here are the 4 other host links...the first one shows a video of Charlies Room Makeover...
 Design Gives Back @Design Gives Back/Kelee
Spiritual Sunday  @Spiritual Sunday/Charlotte & Ginger
Metamorphosis Monday @Between Naps On The Porch/Susan - 
comments on Monday Only
Country Wings in Phoenix @Country Wings in Phoenix/Sherry

 Now, for my contribution to Pink Saturday...As you all know I am blessed by just being here...I was diagnosed in 1995 with stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer( before we even knew what that was)...That same year the Longaberger company started their Horizon of Hope basket campaign... 
A few years later I bought my first one...when I found out that the first one came out in ladies know what happened next...that's right, I did what any other self respecting little pink shopper would do...I hunted the others down!!I have all of them now and I am about to show you! Yes, I am...
There is the entire collection..minus the one I just received...Aren't they pretty? There is even a travel mug there in the

Here are two pictures of the 2011 HOH basket and the potpourri basket also..and they just happen to be sitting on top of the scarf they offer this year...yes, I bought that too...did you doubt it?

Here we have a few more cuties in the Horizon of Hope Line. (please ignore the dust)..Yes, they see me coming....But it is for a good cause after all...they have raised a lot of money for the American Cancer Society over the years for Breast Cancer Research.
I am just throwing this young lady in because I picked her up while I was on vacation in June...and she has a pink hat and a pink purse and I like her...
So...that is my Pink Saturday...Enjoy! And be sure to click through and comment for a good cause...
Thanks so much!


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