Thursday, October 28, 2010

ella's preschool halloween party

The first words I heard Ella yell Tuesday morning were, "It's been two days!" Translation: it's the preschool Halloween party! The first words I yelled were, "Are you kidding me?" Translation: there's six inches of snow on the ground. Dang!

I lucked out on Ella's costume this year. She really wanted to be Tinkerbell and Grandpa McMurphy bought her this outfit back in February. I just bought sparkly shoes and we were done. Grandpa also surprised Ella with a Tinkerbell jewelry making kit this summer, so she wore an authentic Tink necklace and bracelet too.

Ella was so excited to bring her special "treat" for her friends.

We made Halloween play dough and packaged it up with a darling tag that read, "a halloween playdough kit for my friend. boo! love, Ella M." I combined ideas from eighteen25 blog (the play dough) and the thumbprint tag (so love it!) from the Pebbles in my Pocket blog. It turned out the be a much more time-consuming project than I originally thought, but Ella and I had a great time doing it together. She did a lot of it herself and loved it. It was worth the extra time.

Ella took her play dough kit to sewing day at Maggie's, and the kids made spiders and pumpkins together. It kept them busy for quite awhile.

This photo makes me laugh. Ella B. (red hat) and Ella me (that's what Ella calls herself when she's talking about both Ella B. and herself) are both ready and posing for the camera. The other kids are still trying to figure things out. Such girly girls!

We finally got it figured out. Ella B. and Ella me have the same pose/smile in just about every photo I took.

Happy Halloween!

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