Thursday, July 29, 2010

three things thursday

I haven't posted "three things Thursday" for awhile, but have had a lot of requests to keep it up. Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

ONE: Gardening Boxes
We had high hopes for a beautiful little garden last year, which quickly turned into a disaster. Our lettuce was so bitter we couldn't eat it and our tomatoes all split. We grew beautiful little pumpkins to decorate the porch, then some idiot teenagers stole every last one--all 14--right off our front porch! I was so mad.

We decided to give it another try this year.

So far so good. We've actually made salads with our lettuce and it's really good. We also planted a zucchini plant, tomatoes and that's a pumpkin plant around the corner. You can't go wrong with these square foot gardening boxes. We put ours rights in the planter area in the backyard. I'd seen a yard on one of our walks that had done the same thing and I loved the way it looked. Of course it'll look better when we get more foliage around it. We purchased our garden box here. They deliver and set up the entire thing, soil and all. We may add two more smaller boxes down the side yard next year if we get a bumper crop. That's bumper, not BUMMER again!

***update: Our lettuce turned bitter again. Anyone have any ideas why? Maybe we're not picking it quick enough.

TWO: Memory Banners
You know I love banners. And I know you've seen this one from Ella's birthday. I made a little change to it though. I clipped memorabilia and a couple of photos from Ella's party to the banner. There's her birthday invite, the bingo card, a photo of Ella holding up four fingers, another photo of Ella with a cupcake and her finished craft we made at the party. Ella loves to look at it and remember her party. As usual, she's already started planning next years.

For those of you in my ward, we're planning a Super Saturday for fall. I'll be teaching a celebrations banner class, so start gathering fun fall or holiday-themed papers.

THREE: Ziploc Big Bags
You'd think I work for Ziploc since I love their products. Here's a new one I just found.

I've seen them advertised forever. We're having shelves built in the garage to store camping/emergency/gardening stuff. I was trying to figure out how the keep things from getting dusty out there and remembered these bags. They're great! The large sized holds Ella's life vest and the XL size holds our little travel cooler. I love that I can see through them instead of having to rummage through bags to figure out what's in them.

Happy Thursday!

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