Hi all
WE welcomed our latest bundle of joy on 3rd Dec . Larsen Allen was born at 5 14 pm after me being induced at around 2pm ( a very short labour) he was 3.186 kgs and 51cm long. Although the labour was short it was quite PAINFUL as the epidural only worked on one side, eventually the called the dr back into to give me another one as he took it out i said to the midwife i can feel a bit of pressure she looked and there was his head i was 8cm dilated. She went into a tizz as it was a bit unexpected, called my Ob, he literally arrived just in time , two pushes and Larsen was out( unlike Addison where i pushed for an hour and a half), no tears no cuts it was so easy. He fed straight away and David and i were so happy. David actually saw the whole thing he saw the head come out and i looked up to see the rest come out, it was truly amazing.
He is just over a week old and doing well. Addison has been very good with him so far although he is still sleeping lots, we had him weighed and has put on 200 grams since leaving the hospital. I hope to get some scrapping done soon of him trying to take advanatge of David being on holidays. Hope you enjoy these photos will be back soon with some more
Just after he was born
and meeting big brother Addison
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